Home Education
Some of you may have been following us since we started sharing our home education journey (on our Facebook page) in Feb 2019, when Eve was 4. We hoped that you’d find it interesting and maybe even useful. On this page are some snapshots of what we’ve been up to for the past few years, and in this section we’ll be sharing ideas/resources that we hope will help you with home education. Mostly we love being outside, so climbing, hiking, wild swimming etc. is where we are happy! Sometimes when we want to be out and about we’ll go geocaching. You can check out our geocaching guide here:
Eve had a great time climbing at The Peak today. We were there for nearly 3 hours! She is getting so much better with her moves and is able to now complete proper routes rather than just climb up! Very proud
7th August 2019
Eve had a great time at the Glasgow Science Centre today. She really enjoyed doing all the logic puzzles and I was impressed with how well she got on. We also went to see the ‘water, water everywhere’ science show which was fab!
26th May 2019
Today was a science and engineering day. Eve (and Daddy) did lots of experiments thanks to the James Dyson Foundation. She loved it all! Not sure she understood all of the reasons behind the results but she is definitely interested in science and that’s the main point. Think her favourite experiment was ‘balloon kebabs’ where she managed to put a wooden skewer through a balloon without popping it!
23rd May 2020
It was conker counting day today . It took quite a while…we lined them all up in twos so Eve could practice her x2 tables. Then we counted each size without a calculator and wrote down the amounts. Eve then added them altogether on her calculator to get a grand total of 384 conkers! Wow! Then we did multiplication to work out the mass of each group then addition to calculate the total mass of all 384 conkers. Drum roll please…3363g!! That’s heavy! Then we made ‘conkers’ and had a game, great fun. Followed by making our own washing detergent
10th Oct 2020
Today we did a wizarding geocache trail. I’m always amazed at the effort some people put into their geocaches to make them special. This one today was fab! Eve loved it . It took us on a beautiful walk up into the hills with stunning views. We collected 6 wizard themed geocaches along the way with the last one being hidden in a cave next to a waterfall! Stunning.
3rd Nov 2020